Saturday 19 October 2013

The Anti Candida Diet

Recently I have been put on the dreaded Anti Candida Diet by my physician. The first two weeks trying to adapt were absolute HELL!. How is a girl supposed to live without 3 major food groups: Sugar, Ranch Dressing and Vinegar?!? I felt like this was a diet invented just for me to intentionally piss me off.

So what can a person eat that doesn't contain any yeast, dairy,sugars, alcohol or vinegar ? Surprisingly there is another world of foods that are tasty and healthy which I will be sharing.

 I have always been the kind of person who I thought ate very healthy with the odd cheat or two. Going on this diet I realized how unhealthy my healthy diet really was. One of the major points being on this diet is being aware of all the hidden ingredients that you are not allowed to have. Who would of thought that beef and chicken broth and some dried spices have yeast extract in them, 0% Greek Coconut yogurt having a hidden 24g of sugar in a single serving to your vitamins have sucrose, and lactose in them ?

Candida in a fungal infection so naturally you need to stay away from any fungus including mushrooms. Mold, vinegars, sugars and yeast will feed the Candida to thrive and make your infection even worse ! For the first four weeks of my diet I wasn't even allowed to have fruit .... no sugars at all except for some Stevia and 90% dark chocolate allowed by my doctor ( he is the best ). If your doctor has placed you on the Candida Diet follow their instructions. There are lots of variations of the diet online that are all different so just stick with what your told.

Most recipes will be Candida Diet friendly and will always be specified. Enjoy !

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